March 2009

…Then there was interference by Adventure Quest and Adventure Quest Worlds, Adventure Quest was on Mech Quests side & Adventure Quest Worlds where on Dragon Fables side then two pets came one was Twilly  and the other was Zorbak, Twilly was on Dragon Fables side and Zorbak was on Mech Quests side the they fought and fought and fought then something happened…TO BE CONTINUED

long long long long long long long long long  long  long  long long  time ago  there were two fighters  Dragon Fable  fighter &  Mech  Quest  fighters they wanted  to  see  who  was the best fighters  so  they  fought in a cave they battled for about four hours…..TO BE CONTINUED

…Robin & Jason where stunned he really was the best fighter ever but then something came no it was someone he was all red he all so had a red sword his name was Rj the ruler of fire, inferno, flame, and thunder/lightning he told that the yellow warrior his name, Sir, Jing. He so was a warrior he had a crown to but his was real Sir, Jings was fake then they got to an argument to see who was the real fighter so Rj and Jings where fighting…TO BE CONTINUED

…so they fought then Robin used his teleport power so now they were in a cave then there was an interference, there was a warrior from Dragon Fable he was all yellow he had a lightning (energy) sword. He was there because he was spying on them because he said that HE was the real best ruler then a crown fell out of the warriors pocket… to be continued