***Wheels on the Bus – Babies on the Bus

***The Wheels On The Bus Song with The GiggleBellies – Award winning

***The Wheels on the Bus – Sing-a-long.mpg

***Wheels On The Bus

***The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round

***The Wheels On The Bus

***Wheels on the Bus – Roger Daltrey



***Wheels on the Bus with Capo

***The Wheels On The Bus Action Song


Without Remainders

Worksheet Divisor Range
Easy 2 to 9
Getting Tougher 6 to 12
Intermediate 10 to 20
Advanced 20 to 50
Very Hard 50 to 199


With Remainders

Worksheet Divisor Range
Easy 2 to 9
Getting Tougher 6 to 12
Intermediate 10 to 20
Advanced 20 to 50
Hard 50 to 199


what kind of oranges do vampires eat.

what kind of rooms have no windows or walls,

no doors,

but have ceilings and  floors.

please tel me the anwser at the comment button


what goes up and down,

never has a frown,

brightness from head to toe,

it’s a mystery you know.

please tell me the  answer on the comment button.

thank you RJ

Urinary System

1)      Urine is waste that gets excreted.

2)      The waste is holed by the bladder.

3)      Urine is not the only waste there is also feces, co2, sweat.

4)      Through a tube like structure called the urethra.

The ear

5)      Ear is a small cavity.

6)      There are three bones in the ear which are call hammer, anvil, and stirrup.

7)      Those bones are the smallest bones in the body.

8)      There also an other part ht eae that’s like a snail shell that’s called cochlea.

9)      There this little tissue in the ear which is called the eardrum.

10)    An also in the ear there is tube which sounds go in.

) Brain connected to spinal cord.

 2) Nervous system is about nerves.

 3) C1 – C8 is neck.

 4) T1 – T12 is spine.

 5) L1 – L5 is lower spine.

 6) S1 -S5 is even lower.

 7) Nervous system is composed nerves.

8) Spinal cord is cylinder nervous tissues.


1)    Each muscle made out of long thin cells.

2)    Which are called muscle fiber?

3)    Depending on function muscles come in different sizes.

4)    Like people muscles need to relax.

5)    Muscle fibers are highly specialized.


6)    Body torso consist of two parts the chest and the abdomen.

7)    Chest contains heart and lungs.

8)    Abdomen contains the digestive and urinary systems.

9)    Chest and abdomen are separated.

10)                       Caused by the diaphragm.

The small cavity between the eardrum and inner ear conducts sound to the inner ear by three tiny bones called the malleus (the hammer), the incus (the anvil), and the stapes (the stirrup). The inner ear contains the cochlea (a coiled structure responsible for hearing), the semicircular canals (concerned with balance), and the vestible. The vestibule is an oval cavity that contains the saccule and utricle, which communicate with the cochlea and

semicircular canals. The vestibular nerve passes impulses from the inner ear to the brain and is associated with balance; the cochlear nerve – part of the vestibular nerve – is associated with hearing.

Digestive System

Your digestive system consists of organs that break down food into components that your body uses for energy and for building and repairing cells and tissues.

Food passes down the throat, down through a muscular tube called the esophagus, and into the stomach, where food continues to be broken down. The partially digested food passes into a short tube called the duodenum (first part of the small intestine). The jejunum and ileum are also part of the small intestine. The liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas produce enzymes and substances that help with digestion in the small intestine.

The last section of the digestive tract is the large intestine, which includes the cecum, colon, and rectum. The appendix is a branch off the large intestine; it has no known function. Indigestible remains of food are expelled through the anus.

1)      Nasal Cavity – nose

2)      Oral Cavity – mouth

3)      Digestive system start at the mouth.

4)      Food goes down the esophagus.

5)      The food goes to the stomach which makes an acid the acid is called hydrochloric acid.

6)      So the acid won’t burn through the stomach there’s a layer of mucous.

7)      You get new layers every 3 days.

8)      Muscular action called peristalsis that makes food goes down to intestines.

9)       Two intestines in the body there called small and large intestines.

10)   Then food that has been absorbed stays in the rectum.

11)     Finally the feces come out of the anus.

Circulation — General

Your circulatory system consists of your heart and blood vessels. Together, these provide a continuous flow of blood to your body, supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins return blood to the heart.

Circulation — Arterial

Your arteries carry blood away from the heart. Oxygenated blood is pumped out of the heart through the body’s main artery — the aorta. Arteries that branch off the aorta transport blood throughout the body, supplying tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

Circulation — Venous

Your veins carry blood back toward the heart. Tiny vessels called capillaries in organs and tissues of the body deliver deoxygenated blood into small veins called venules, which join to form veins. Blood flows through the veins to the body’s two main veins (called the vena cavae), which deliver the blood back into the heart.

The cell is one of the most basic units of life.  There are millions of different types of cells.  There are cells that are organisms onto themselves, such as microscopic amoeba and bacteria cells.  And there are cells that only function when part of a larger organism, such as the cells that make up your body.  The cell is the smallest unit of life in our bodies.  In the body, there are brain cells, skin cells, liver cells, stomach cells, and the list goes on.  All of these cells have unique functions and features.  And all have some recognizable similarities.  All cells have a ‘skin’, called the plasma membrane, protecting it from the outside environment.  The cell membrane regulates the movement of water, nutrients and wastes into and out of the cell.  Inside of the cell membrane are the working parts of the cell.  At the center of the cell is the cell nucleus.  The cell nucleus contains the cell’s DNA, the genetic code that coordinates protein synthesis.  In addition to the nucleus, there are many organelles inside of the cell – small structures that help carry out the day-to-day operations of the cell.  One important cellular organelle is the ribosome.  Ribosomes participate in protein synthesis.  The transcription phase of protein synthesis takes places in the cell nucleus.  After this step is complete, the mRNA leaves the nucleus and travels to the cell’s ribosomes, where translation occurs.  Another important cellular organelle is the mitochondrion.  Mitochondria (many mitochondrion) are often referred to as the power plants of the cell because many of the reactions that produce energy take place in mitochondria.  Also important in the life of a cell are the lysosomes.  Lysosomes are organelles that contain enzymes that aid in the digestion of nutrient molecules and other materials.  Below is a labelled diagram of a cell to help you identify some of these structures.

Body/Torso — Side View

Your torso consists of two parts — the chest and the abdomen. The chest contains your heart and lungs; your abdomen contains the digestive and urinary systems. Your chest and abdomen are separated by a dome-shaped sheet of muscle called the diaphragm.

1)      Larynogopharynx is the Larynx a Pharynx.

2)      Respiratory System is composed of organs and tissues.

3)       Nose hair is called cilia.

4)      There is a food tube in your throat called the esophagus.

5)      On top of the esophagus is the epiglottis which is a flap.

6)      Nasopharynx is the nose and pharynx.

7)      Oropharynx is the mouth and pharynx.

8)      Trachea is the throat.

9)      Another word for the trachea is the windpipe.

10)   The respiratory system is about breathing.

11)   People have a muscle called diaphragm which  goes up and down when you breath

12)   Breathing is involuntary which means it does it by itself.

1) 3 main parts of circulatory system- heart, blood, and blood vessel

2) Two main veins- vena cava

3) Two parts of heart are right part and left part.

4) Small veins call venula.

5) Circulatory system is basically just a pump.

6) Veins take blood to the heart.

7) Arteries take blood away from the heart.

8) Oxygenated blood is pumped.

9) Aorta is the main artery.

10) Tiniest blood vessel is the capillaries